Church and Crusader Domains

The Holy See, Kingdom of Antioch, and the Lands of the Volk Knights

The Holy See is the personal domain of the Pope, a sort of city- state controlled directly by him and the Holy Church bureaucracy. The Kingdom of Antioch is the last remaining "Crusader Kingdom" in the Holy Land, a place where followers of the Holy Church have been fighting for centuries to secure access to the regions holy places for pilgrims (loot and land have also played their motivating role as well). Like the Templars and Hospitilars in the Levant, the Volk Knights were founded as a crusading order to protect the interest of the Church. They have since evolved into a would-be empire, fighting the semi-pagan Lithuanians, as well as their Polish and Rus neighbors. Both the Holy See and the Kingdom of Antioch are major pilgrimage sights, the Volk Lands are not.